Sunday, November 6, 2011

Baked Punugulu

This is Andhra special snack - Punugulu 

It was raining (not heavy) but one can feel the chill and reminds me that winter is going to start soon. Came back from work, driving home i was thinking what to make for evening snack. I remembered i had left over idly/dosa batter.and soon i made hot hot punugulu within 10 minutes and yum yum with hot chai. This is very easy recipe, tastes good.

Dosa batter
Salt as per taste
Fresh Ginger
Green Chillies 1
Onion - 1 small
Green Corriander leaves or curry leaves
2 spoons Rice powder
Oil if you want to fry otherwise 1 spoon add to the batter

For PEANUT corriander chutney:
Red mirchi
Seasoning stuff


  • Chop the onions, chillies 
  • Add salt, ginger, curry leaves to the batter
  • Heat Oil and make small balls of the batter, leave in heated oil
  • Fry till they are golden brown
  • Prepare Peanut corriander chutney 
Baked pungulu -
  • If you do not want to fry in oil make small balls preheat micro oven for about 10 minutes 
  • In a aluminum foiled tray put the batter balls for about 10 minutes
Serve hot punugulu with peanut corriander chutney with chai. Try this recipe and do not forget to let me know hot it tastes and your comments.

Peanut corriander chutney 

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