Sunday, November 6, 2011

Traditional Mediterranean Falafel Recipe


Falafel is one of the traditional Mediterranean delight, I learnt this vegetarian recipe from my colleague, this is high in protein and very easy to prepare.

  • Falafel mix - 1 cup ( mix is ground chickpeas, fava beans and spices) - you can get this from any mediterranean store
  • Water - 1/2 cup
  • Olive oil - 1 spoon
  • Salad - Lettuse, Cucumber, Tomato, Onion and Carrot
  • Sause - Tomato / Yogurt / Sesame as per taste
  • Add  water to Falafel mix, mix well and add 1 spoon of olive oil
  • Now leave the mix to stand for about 15 minutes
  • You can either fry the balls in oil till they turn golden brown or bake them ( i prefer baking)
  • If you want to Bake, Preheat the oven for about 20 minutes to 350 F
  • On the baking sheet place the small 2 inch round balls, lightly spray olive oil
  • You can either make them as balls or make them flat rounds( like pooris) 
  • Bake for about 25-30 minutes - you will see they turn into crispy balls

Add Falafel Balls in Vegetarian Sandwich or Veggie Burgers or as stuffed Pita Bread

      Try this nutritious recipe at home and let me know how it tastes - Do not forget to leave your comments!!!

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