Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Teriyaki Noodles

Teriayaki Noodles

  • Veggies: Beans, Carrots, Broccoli, Green Onions,  Red, Green and Yellow Peppers  
  • Vegetable Oil 1 table spoon
  • Soya Sauce 2 table spoon
  • Hot n sweet Tomato sauce
  • 2 cups of Water
  • Teriyaki noodles 250 gms
  • Salt as per taste

  • Heat oil in a large pan and add baked veggies. 
  • Add 2 table spoons of Soya sauce
  • Boil Teriyaki Noodles in water until they are tender for about 7 to 8 minutes would be good.
  • Add 0.5 tablespoon of oil and Leave noodles aside for about 2 minutes
  • Add veggies to teriyaki Noodles and stir well.
  • Add salt as per taste
  • Serve hot Terriyaki Noodles with Hot n Sweet tomato sauce

Try Terriyaki Noodles recipe today and let us know how it tastes - Leave your comments!!!

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