Monday, September 19, 2011

Spicy Potato Fingers

Spicy Potato Fingers

Ingredients :

Corn Flakes, Plain - 1 Cup
Red Chilli powder - 1 Tea Spoons
Salt - 1 Tea Spoon
Cumin Powder - 1/2 Tea Spoon
Coriander Powder - 1/2 Tea Spoon
Oil - For Frying

Preparation :

  • Heat oil on medium flame for 5 mins
  • In a plate, crush to coarse powder, Corn Flakes and 1/2 tea spoon Red Chilli powder
  • Peel off Potato and cut them into long wedges, to the size of our small finger
  • In a bowl, mix salt, cumin powder, coriander powder, 1/2 tea spoon oil and add potatoes into the bowl
  • Mix well and allow to marinate for 20 mins
  • Once marinated, take each piece of potato and cover it up in the corn flakes powder completely. If powder does not stick completely, take some powder on palm and potato over the powder and press firmly
  • Drop the pieces of potato into oil, slowly and allow to fry on medium heat. Do not overcrowd potatoes in pan
  • Once the potato is crisp, turn upside down
  • When potatoes turn golden brown remove them on to a plate and drain off oil from fried potatoes onto a paper

Serving :
  • In a bowl, take tomato sauce (any commercial sauce available), add mint sauce or paste, 1/2 tea spoon
  • Add 1/2 tea spoon lime juice into this paste and mix well
  • Serve as taster to the Spicy Potato Fingers

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