Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Veggie Salad with Avocado dressing

This salad is a kaleidoscope of color and taste!!!!

Veggie Salad with Avocado dressing

I like the Avocado dressing for my salads so much - again very easy recipe, colorful, tastes yummy and healthy - excellent source of veggies! Avocado is considered to be a super food ... its fantastic for babies(5 months you can start as avocado puree) et for all !!!! They are an excellent source of monounsaturated fats that lower “bad” cholesterol and are good for the heart. 

  • Vegetables : Green, Red Pepper, String beans, Mushroom
  • Beans: Chick peas, Black beans,  Red kidney beans and Yellow sweet corn
  • Fruits: i have added strawberry and kiwi (you can just keep it veggie without the fruits) 
  • For Avocado Dressing:
    1 ripe avocado (about 3/4 c.)
    1 table spoon fresh lemon juice
    1/4 table spoon salt
    1/8 table spoon black pepper

  • AVOCADO Dressing:Cut ½ of the medium sized avocado from the skin, de-seed it, slice it into small cubes and put it in the food processor. You can add Salt and pepper to taste. This is ready to be served in seconds 
  • Chop green and red pepper into nice big rounds
  • Slice mushroom to thin slices
  • Leave the string beans as is 
  • Bake vegetables green, red, pepper, string beans
  • In nice sized bowl, add chopped vegetables on top
  • Mix the veggie salad with Avocado dressing (1 cup of avocado will have 322 calories)
Very healthy and Enjoy Veggie Salad with Avocado dressing for lunch or dinner!!!!

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